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Reflection for September 2024

Sep 2

6 min read



BUKÀS LOÒB sa DIYÒS Catholic Charismatic Covenant Community

Reflection for September 2024 (Liturgical Year - Cycle B, Year II)


Community Word:

True disciples open their hearts to God’s holy presence.



“Be doers of the word and not hearers only.” (Jas 1:22)



True disciples open their hearts to God’s holy presence is our Community Word for this month. When we open our hearts to God, we follow Him and live in His presence. God created us to know, love and serve Him. His only purpose in creating us is to share His pure love with us. In response, we must live in holiness and enter into a relationship with Him. God has made known to man from the beginning that His commandment is perfect, there is no adding or subtracting from it because His decrees are perfect. We honor and worship God alone. Jesus despised the hypocrisy of the Pharisees in being astute on human laws, but their hearts were far from honoring God. Like the Pharisees, we often know what God commands us to do, but we neglect to follow Him. Hence, St. James exhorts us in his letter, ““Be doers of the word and not hearers only.” (Jas 1:22).


Living in God’s presence is our ultimate goal as followers of Jesus Christ. Let us reflect on the readings for the month and be true followers of Christ through his teachings.


For the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme is – We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when our desires are pure and undefiled. This theme is about purity and holiness. St. James encourages us “to keep oneself unstained by the world,” (Jas 1:27b). As Christians, we live in the world but we are not of the world. There are so many influences in this world that go against God’s precepts. There are self-centered ideologies and immoral behavioral patterns that are ungodly. But if we are truly His children, we must not be influenced by what the world presents to us. We must live by the truth of God’s word and not by the lies and enticements of the world. As the promise in Psalms tells us, “Whoever walks blamelessly and does justice; who thinks the truth in his heart… shall never be disturbed.” (Ps 15:2, 5b)


For the 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme is – We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we respond with compassion to those who are in need. This is about increasing our faith. In his earthly ministry, Jesus constantly displayed his compassion and equal treatment to all, most especially to the deprived. He showed his healing power to everyone who had deep and genuine faith in him. In the case of the deaf man in the gospel, Jesus declared, “Be opened!” And immediately the man’s ears were opened and his speech impediment removed (Mk 7:34b-35). This instruction is for all of us; all we need to do is open the eyes of our heart, believe in Jesus and in his healing grace. God is our refuge. We must keep our faith forever and believe in his promise, “Here is your God…he comes to save you.” (Is 35:4b).


For the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme is – We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we follow Jesus in faith and by good work. This is what true discipleship is all about. To follow Jesus means to deny oneself and take up his cross. We know that we need to remove ourselves from our comforts, attachments and priorities, if we want to follow the footsteps of Christ. But while we believe in the gospel and accept that Jesus died to save us, we must prove this through our actions as well, by way of loving and serving His people. Discipleship is being in mission to let more people know about the love of God and witness to them through our transformed lives. He assures us, “…whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.” (Mk 8:35b)


For the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme is – We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we serve with humility and pure intention. This theme is about humble service. As his followers, Jesus tells us that those who want to follow him must be like him who is the last and servant of all. Humility is the key to genuine service. We do not serve to be noticed or praised. We serve to glorify God through the work of our hands that is offered solely for Him, and not because we await his reward through earthly recognition. We receive Jesus through our sincerity, and as we do, we also receive the Father. As we work for the glory of God, we are never alone because “…whoever receives me, receives the One who sent me.” (Mk 9:37b)


Finally, for the 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time, our theme is – We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we avoid all forms of sinfulness. This theme is about righteousness. We know that sin is missing the mark that we are with God. When we sin, especially grievous ones, God’s grace stops coming into our being. We lose the empowerment of the Spirit, and we are just left in our own human frailty. In James 5:1-6, we see a picture of what life is without Christ.  On the other hand, the Psalmist tells us that the precepts of the Lord give joy to the heart. Thus, our promise is very reassuring, “…because you belong to Christ…you will surely not lose his reward.” (Mk 9:41)



Lord, you command us to be “doers of the word and not hearers only” (Jas 1:22).  May your Holy Spirit empower us to be obedient to your precepts and be followers of Christ in all that we think, say and do.  In our faithfulness, give us the willingness to serve Your Son Jesus, to be transformed in His likeness, only doing what is holy and pleasing to Your Holy Will.  We lift up this prayer in the name of Jesus, our Master-Teacher who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.  Amen.



1. Be immersed in God’s word and live a sacramental life.

2. Deepen your faith in God by persevering in prayer and doing corporal works of mercy.


Sunday Readings:   (Cycle B - Year II)

September 1, 2024 – Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/ Ps 15:2-5/ Jas 1:17-18, 21B-22, 27/ Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

September 8, 2024 – Is 35:4-7A/ Ps 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10/ Jas 2:1-5/ Mk 7:31-37

September 15, 2024 – Is 50:5-9A/ Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9/ Jas 2:14-18/ Mk 8:27-35

September 22, 2024 – Wis 2:12, 17-20/ Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6, 8/ Jas 3:16-4:3/ Mk 9:30-37

September 29, 2024 – Nbr 11:25-29/ Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14/ Jas 5:1-6/ Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48  


    BUKÁS LOÓB sa DIYÓS Catholic Charismatic Covenant Community




READINGS   (Cycle B, Year II)

September 1, 2024 – Dt 4:1-2, 6-8/ Ps 15:2-5/ Jas 1:17-18, 21B-22, 27/ Mk 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23

September 8, 2024 – Is 35:4-7A/ Ps 146:6-7, 8-9, 9-10/ Jas 2:1-5/ Mk 7:31-37

September 15, 2024 – Is 50:5-9A/ Ps 116:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9/ Jas 2:14-18/ Mk 8:27-35

September 22, 2024 – Wis 2:12, 17-20/ Ps 54:3-4, 5, 6, 8/ Jas 3:16-4:3/ Mk 9:30-37

September 29, 2024 – Nbr 11:25-29/ Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14/ Jas 5:1-6/ Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48


True disciples open their hearts to God’s holy presence.


“Be doers of the word and not hearers only.” (Jas 1:22)


1.     Make My presence known through your words and actions.

2.     Your community is My gift to you; let My love thrive in the hearts of all its members.


1.     Be immersed in God’s word and live a sacramental life.

2.     Deepen your faith in God by persevering in prayer and doing corporal works of mercy.


Week 1 (22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Theme: We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when our desires are pure and undefiled.

Promise: “Whoever walks blamelessly and does justice; who thinks the truth in his heart… shall never be disturbed.” (Ps 15:2, 5b)


Week 2 (23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Theme: We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we respond with compassion to those who are in need.

Promise: “Here is your God…he comes to save you.” (Is 35:4b)

Week 3 (24th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Theme: We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we follow Jesus in faith and by good work.

Promise: “…whoever loses his life for my sake and that of the gospel will save it.” (Mk 8:35b)

Week 4 (25th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Theme: We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we serve with humility and pure intention.

Promise: “…whoever receives me, receives the One who sent me.” (Mk 9:37b)

Week 5 (26th Sunday in Ordinary Time)

Theme: We open our hearts to God’s holy presence when we avoid all forms of sinfulness.

Promise: “…because you belong to Christ…you will surely not lose his reward.” (Mk 9:41)



Alfred S. Kudemus

CSL Secretariat

"Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

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